Abscess - this is a limited purulent inflammation of the soft tissues of the jaw. Cellulitis , in contrast, is a general purulent inflammation. Most often, abscess and cellulitis are odontogenic , that is, their cause is an infection that spreads from the centers , located close to the apex of a tooth with periodontitis , periostitis , festering cyst and other inflammatory periodontal diseases . Thus, odontogenic abscess occurs as a result of defects of dental hard tissues or infectious inflammation of the gums.
In the latter case, the infection begins to spread along the neurovascular bundle throat , neck , mediastinum or esophagus , causing severe complications. The growth and development of an abscess or cellulitis depends on the characteristics of pathogenic microflora and immune reactions. Important role in this is played by the presence of underlying disease , which develops as a result of secondary immune deficiency . These include diabetes, liver, heart, kidney, blood, joints, etc.
What 's going on?
If there is an abscess person experiences pain, it is difficult to open your mouth , chew and swallow food sometimes . The symptoms of cellulitis depends on its location and spread of the inflammatory process. Furthermore, they may be more severe and diverse. The fact that the abscess may occupy multiple contiguous regions of the neck and face , while being satisfactory , and thus only occasionally symptoms such as rise in temperature to 38,5 ° C and intoxication .
Cellulitis , localized in two or more areas of the neck and face , has a tendency to spread and occurs in severe or moderate general condition. Body temperature can thus reach 39 ° C. After about 7 days of the disease and the local manifestations of general inflammation are growing and festering process involves several areas of the neck and face. At the same time exhibit a significant amount of blood leukocytes.
In some cases, phlegmon proceeds almost asymptomatic, but it is still developing, though weak and slow. The patient's condition while satisfactory, is not higher than the body temperature low grade and is detected in the blood leukocytosis .
However, in this situation, surgery is too late , and then the disease is complicated by osteomyelitis of the jaw. Similar phenomena are observed in the elderly and in people with a variety of systemic diseases .
In addition , the nature of the manifestations of abscess or cellulitis depends on the anatomy of the jaws. In connection with the latter characteristic of all abscesses and cellulitis are divided into 2 groups .
By the 1st group includes admaxillary abscesses and cellulitis of soft tissues adjacent to the lower or upper jaw.
Depending on where it is localized inflammation , abscesses and cellulitis may be buccal , orbital , podnizhne - jaw , parotid- chewing or chin . Regarding deep abscesses and phlegmons , they may be arranged in pterygopalatine fossa , infratemporal area peripharyngeal , pterygopalatine - mandibular space and on the bottom of oral cavity or sublingual area. By the 2nd group includes abscesses and cellulitis areas remote from several tissues of jaws : the temporal, orbital, pozadichelyustnoy, neck, bilge, etc.
Complications of dental abscesses and abscesses systems can be brain abscess, meningitis, meningoencephalitis, mediastinitis , phlebitis mater , eyes , face and pyosepticemia . Intoxication accompanying abscesses and cellulitis , leading to dysfunction of organs and body systems up to septic shock and acute respiratory failure.