
Many dental problems can be avoided with proper nutrition.

Say enough to eat 1-2 a day of solid raw fruit or vegetable ( carrot , cucumber, apple) , in order to get a great massage the gums and deposits on the teeth become smaller. Carrots, apples , cucumbers and beets contain beta - carotene, vitamin B, a wide range of trace elements, which normalize the blood circulation in the gums. Moreover, such products stimulate salivation , mouth constantly washer and reducing the amount of germs and bacteria.

Not less than the benefits of fresh greens : celery , parsley , dill , onions , garlic , lettuce kill bacteria , whiten teeth and strengthen gums . Particularly noteworthy are all nuts . They do not only contain amino acids and essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Substances contained in the nuts destroys the bacteria that cause gum disease, help to strengthen tooth enamel.

Honey and green tea is not just the enemies of bacteria in the mouth, they strengthen and rejuvenate the entire body. But black coffee and carbonated beverages contribute to the removal of calcium from the body. With a balanced diet 1-2 cups of coffee a day will not do much harm, but drinking it liters of nutritionists do not recommend to anyone. And especially not to indulge a sweet soda, alcohol can cause long dry mouth, reducing the secretion of saliva, it's bad for your teeth, so you should rinse your mouth with fluoride rinses or even water.

Essential for healthy teeth dairy products, seafood: they contain vitamins and minerals that the body needs time. Cheese can be regarded as effective in the prevention of dental caries, since it is a 60 % increase in the concentration of calcium in dental enamel. Curd contains proteins, lactic acid, iron and magnesium. It is well absorbed by the body, and calcium and phosphorus are included in it, are involved in the formation of bone tissue, nervous system and feeding the formation of hemoglobin in the blood.

Yogurt reduces the amount of hydrogen sulfide and bad breath , and phosphates , calcium and casein help mineralization of teeth. Useful any fish, but the sea - especially due to the high content of iodine, calcium and fluoride, providing protivokzriesnuyu protection for teeth. The same can be said about the seafood.

Shrimp, for example, are rich in nutrients that can serve as a source for building bone growth and preservation of the teeth, preventing plaque formation and destruction of the enamel. And all the minerals easily absorbed by the body . With a deficit of calcium fluoride , vitamin D, teeth become brittle, often inflamed gums, the skin turns pale, and her hair falls out. Berries and fruits have a unique blend of organic acids, vitamins, pigments, and pectin . It is believed that the components of berry juices, especially cranberry, inhibit bacteria access to tooth enamel.

Grapes can also be used in the prevention of dental caries, because it contains a range of minerals and trace elements, which have a beneficial effect on teeth and gums. Furthermore, grapes have substances that inhibit the vital activity of pathogenic microbes in the mouth. In short, nothing complex, rare and expensive - only attention to your health, and your teeth will be strong for many years.