Pericoronitis - is mild inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the tooth crown. This phenomenon is most often observed in the wisdom tooth, and only at the time of the eruption. This is either due to the fact that he does not have enough space in the jaw, or a bud in the wrong location. Another reason may be the most abnormal development of the jaw. In the latter case the tooth tilts forward , backward or to the tooth - predecessor and its delayed eruption. Due to chronic soft tissue injuries while chewing on a tooth covering
mucosa produced severe scarring.
As a result, it ceases to grow, so as not being able to overcome the obstacle. Thus, the crown of wisdom remains under a layer of mucous - hood, under which penetrates microbes, food residues, etc. This creates favorable conditions for the development of the inflammatory process. Furthermore, traumatized during chewing hood ulcerated mucosa, which leads to reduction of local immunity.
An inflammatory process in the area have not yet erupted tooth. In addition, regular injuries hood and recurring inflammation lead to the process resembles the course of chronic gingivitis or periodontitis edge.
In the toothbrush neck appear granulation occurs nearby sites of bone resorption , resulting in a pathological periodontal pocket . Thus, when Pericoronitis observed the following: swollen and puffy hood in the process of chewing food is constantly injured, travmystimuliruyut inflamed, causing thickening of the hood due to edema. As a result of the outflow of fluid from the difficult perikoronarnogo space. This leads to the spread of inflammation to the periosteum of the dental fossa abscess formation and development pozadimolyarnogo periodontitis .